native english teacher

“It is never too late to open new doors and obtain a degree in the most used language in the world.”

native english teacher


Most jobs require a B1 level of English.

Join our English courses for adults and use Cambridge English resources to progress slowly and obtain a qualification.

Start your course at our English academy for adults and continue training.

native english teacher


Improve your personal satisfaction, increase your knowledge. Whatever your reason, learning and achieving your goal produces satisfaction, motivation and joy.

Learning English will allow you to meet new people, travel and communicate. Try our groups for adults.


English academy in Cartagena

Test your level

We have plenty of test prep to help you prepare for your exam. These include free materials such as sample jobs, vocabulary lists and worksheets. Search for your exam and find the preparation materials you need.

If you want to advance in your job, overcome new challenges or simply expand your knowledge, you can do so with our English classes for adults. It is not always easy to find an English academy for adults that suits your needs and fits your schedule, but with Native English it is possible.

Native English's English classes for adults are adapted to the needs of each student. We have Cambridge exam preparation courses at all levels for both young people and adults. 

It is not necessary to have a minimum level to start English classes for adults, since we have courses adapted to all levels. English academies for adults have experience in teaching classes to people who may find it more difficult to integrate into a new language.

Get your results in 48 hours

If you need to prove your English level (from A1 until C1 or higher) for graduate, access to scholarships (ErasmusThe Caixa…), make a postgraduate or introduce yourself to oppositions, now you can perform Linguaskill from home either from your nearest exam center

Join the Native English method to learn English