The TOEFL exam is a test required by many academic institutions worldwide, especially institutions in the United States, so that students who want to study there can demonstrate that they have the level of English required by them. The reason for taking a TOEFL exam, a Cambridge exam or any internationally accredited exam is so that, if you are going to be a member of an academic institution abroad, you can understand the classes and therefore take advantage of that opportunity.
The TOEFL is accredited by almost 12,000 universities in more than 160 countries around the world, so it is an interesting option if you want to study in the United States, especially. This exam consists of four blocks: speaking, listening, reading and writing, and lasts four hours. Furthermore, the TOEFL exam is a complex exam that requires a lot of prior preparation and in the best hands; Getting a high grade is not impossible, but it is very difficult if you are not well prepared.
Taking a TOEFL exam has many more advantages than you can imagine, because, although it is not as popular an exam as the Cambridge exams, it is becoming more and more important.
You can show up as many times as you want.
One of the advantages of the TOEFL exam is that it offers you the possibility of taking it as many times as you want, but you have to allow at least 12 days to be able to take it again (with your relevant record, of course).
This multiplies the opportunities to pass or raise your grade, so it can be very practical.
You can take the TOEFL exam from wherever you want
The TOEFL IBT exam has three different formats:
- TOEFL IBT exam: on a computer at the exam center.
- TOEFL IBT Home Edition Exam: You take the exam from your computer at home.
- TOEFL IBT Paper Edition Exam: an exam that is carried out in two sessions: Reading, listening and writing on paper, in an examination center, and speaking on a computer at home.
This test is quite versatile, which makes it a comfortable option for the student, who can choose the way to take the exam. Furthermore, it is an option that more and more people choose due to the global impact it has and the many opportunities it offers.
Essential to study at universities in the United States and Canada
Which implies that, if you are looking to go to study in one of these two countries, the TOEFL exam is your best option.
We already know that both Americans and Canadians are very demanding on certain occasions. By passing this degree you will have no problems meeting the demands of the institutions of both countries and you will be able to train and benefit from other teaching methods and different classes.
Very easy to reserve your place
You can book it from anywhere in the world through the online platform and you have fifty TOEFL exam dates spread throughout the year. Therefore, the procedure is easy and intuitive and gives you ample room to show up as many times as you want and on the date you want.
Lots of material available
Because the TOEFL exam is an internationally recognized test, a multitude of material is available for this exam. Yes, it is true that the most advisable thing is that you have training offered by professionals, but it doesn't hurt to use additional material so that you go to the exam as well prepared as possible.
Offers you better job opportunities
It is increasingly common for jobs abroad to request a certification that proves that you have the level of English necessary for the position. That is why, faced with these demands, the TOEFL exam becomes one of your best options.
Furthermore, when it comes to the world of work, and although the company in question does not require possession of this title, it can be a differentiating object compared to other candidates.
Therefore, no matter how you look at it, having passed the TOEFL exam and, therefore, your degree, is a success.
We do not want to finish this article without first emphasizing the need for preparation required by the exam. TOEFL. It is clear that any exam of such magnitude requires a lot of dedication and effort, but it also needs professionals who know how to help and guide you to achieve the results you deserve. Therefore, in Native English We prepare our students to achieve their goals in the best way and with the best possible training.